Call for Abstract

17th European Organic Chemistry Congress, will be organized around the theme “New Trends and Latest Advancement In Organic Chemistry”

organicchemistry 2021 is comprised of 15 tracks and 77 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in organicchemistry 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Chemistry ConferencesOrganic molecules contain carbon atoms. The carbon atoms area unit covalently bonded to different atoms and numerous chains of carbon atoms is found in most each molecule. Carbon has four valence electrons and so can create four bonds in accordance with the octet rule. All non-carbon-to-carbon bonds are going to be assumed to be carbon-hydrogen bonds as atomic number 1 atoms area unit the foremost ordinarily found hooked up atom. Atomic number 1 has one negatron and can create one chemical bond. The atom is capable of constructing single, double and triple bonds furthermore as bonding with chemical element nitrogen, chlorine or bromine. Chemical element has six valence electrons, and can create 2 valence bonds. One bond and a covalent bond area unit each potential for chemical element atoms. Gas has 5 valence electrons and can create 3 valence bonds. Single, double and triple bonds area unit all potentialities for gas atoms.

  • Track 1-1Types and characterization of organic compounds
  • Track 1-2Functional groups
  • Track 1-3Aliphatic and aromatic compounds
  • Track 1-4Heterocyclic compounds
  • Track 1-5Nomenclature of new compounds
  • Track 1-6Carbenes and carbenoids

Chemistry ConferencesNucleic acids are biopolymers or large biomolecules essential for all renowned forms of life. Nucleic acids that embrace DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are made up of monomers called nucleotides. Every ester has 3 components: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate cluster and a element base. If the sugar is carbohydrate the polymer is polymer. If the sugar is ribose the compound is RNA. Once all 3 elements are combined they type a macromolecule. Nucleotides are called phosphate nucleotides. In organic chemistryamino acids having each the paraffin and the acid teams attached to the first (alpha-) atom have particular importance known as 2-, alpha-, or α-amino acids (generic formula H2NCHRCOOH in most cases wherever R is an organic substituent referred to as a "side-chain" often the term "amino acid" is used to refer specifically to those. They include the 23 proteinogenic (protein-building) amino acids that mix into peptide chains (polypeptides) to form the building-blocks of a vast array of proteins.

  • Track 2-1Peptides sequence analysis
  • Track 2-2Classification of amino acids
  • Track 2-3Stereochemistry of amino acids
  • Track 2-4Synthesis of amino acids
  • Track 2-5Reactions of amino acids
  • Track 2-6Nucleosides

Chemistry ConferencesCatalysed reactions have a lower energy (rate-limiting free energy of activation) than the corresponding un-catalysed reaction leading to a better reaction rate at a similar temperature and for similar chemical concentrations. However, the detailed mechanics of chemical change is complicated. Catalysts could affect the reaction atmosphere favourably or bind to the reagents to polarize bonds, e.g. acid catalysts for reactions of carbonyl compounds or type specific intermediates that don't seem to be created naturally like osmate esters in osmium tetroxide-catalysed hydroxylation of alkenes or cause dissociation of reagents to reactive forms like chemisorbed hydrogen in chemical action chemical action.

  • Track 3-1Heterogeneous catalytic process
  • Track 3-2Catalyst formulation and preparation methods
  • Track 3-3Catalysts characterization methods
  • Track 3-4Mechanism of catalytic reactions
  • Track 3-5Design of catalysts and simulation techniques

Chemistry Conferences: Structure determination is also a procedure by that the three-dimensional atomic coordinates of a molecule or biomolecule area unit resolved exploitation associate analytical technique. Many techniques square measure utilized in structure determination, most generally X-ray physics, nucleon magnetic resonance spectrometrymicroscopy and molecular modelling. Nuclear resonance is associate degree analytical chemistry technique utilized in control and analysis for determinative the content and purity of a sample in addition as its molecular structure. NMR could also be used to verify molecular conformation in answer in addition as checking out physical properties at the molecular level like conformational activity, half changes, solubility and diffusion.

  • Track 4-1Organometallic nomenclature
  • Track 4-2Carbon-metal bonds in organometallic compounds
  • Track 4-3Transition metal organometallic compounds
  • Track 4-4Grignard reagents
  • Track 4-5Transition metal organometallic compounds

Chemistry ConferencesOrganic molecules are described additional ordinarily by drawings or structural formulas, combinations of drawings and chemical symbols. Lewis structures simplest model in addition brought up as Lewis-dot diagrams show the bonding relationship between atoms of a molecule and thus the lone pairs of electrons among the molecule. Lewis structures can also be useful in predicting molecular pure mathematics in conjunction with hybrid orbitals. Resonance structures are used once one Lewis structure for ionic bonding one molecule cannot fully describe the bonding that takes place between shut atoms relative to the empirical data for the actual bond lengths between those atoms. Organic reactions are chemical reactions involving organic compounds.

Chemistry ConferencesChemoinformatics is that the commixture of these information resources to transform information into info data and data into knowledge for the supposed purpose of constructing higher selections faster within the space of drug lead identification and optimisation. These in silico techniques are employed in as an example pharmaceutical companies within the method of drug discovery. These ways may be employed in chemical and allied industries in varied different forms. Cheminformatics may be applied to information analysis for varied industries like paper and pulp and dyes and such allied industries. Chemical information will pertain to real or virtual molecules.

  • Track 5-1Atoms, electrons and orbitals
  • Track 5-2Resonance and Ionic bonds
  • Track 5-3Molecular orbitals of the hydrogen molecule
  • Track 5-4Polar covalent bonds and multiple bonding
  • Track 5-5Chemoinformatics and its applications
  • Track 5-6Cheminformatics tools for drug discovery

Chemistry Conferences: The study of stereochemistry focuses on stereoisomers and spans the complete spectrum of organicinorganic, biological, physical and particularly supra molecular chemistry. Stereochemistry includes strategies for determinant and describing these relationships; the result on the physical or biological properties these relationships impart upon the molecules in question, and also the manner during which these relationships influence the reactivity of the molecules.

  • Track 6-1Molecular chirality & enantiomers
  • Track 6-2Properties of chiral molecules & optical activity
  • Track 6-3The cahnIngoldPrelog RS notational system
  • Track 6-4Physical properties of enantiomers
  • Track 6-5Stereogenic center

Chemistry Conferences: In the field of chemistry, reactivity is the stimulus for which a chemical substance undergoes a chemical reaction, either by itself or with other materials, with an complete release of energy.

the chemical reactions of a single substance or the chemical reactions of two or more substances that interact with each other and the efficient study of sets of reactions of these two categories method that applies to the study of reactivity of chemicals of all kinds experimental techniques that are used to observe these procedures. Theories to expect and to explanation for these methods. The chemical reactivity of a single substance covers its behaviour.

Decomposes forms new substances by adding of atoms from another reactant or reactants interacts with two or more other reactants to form two or more products. The chemical reactivity of a substance can state to the variety of conditions that contain temperature, pressure, presence of catalysts in which it reacts. Equilibrium point of the reaction. a chemical structure determination includes a chemist's stating the molecular geometry  when feasible and necessary, the electronic structure of the target molecule or other solid. Molecular geometry refers to the 3-D arrangement of atoms in a molecule and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together and can be represented using structural formulae and by molecular models complete electronic structure descriptions include specifying the occupation of a molecule's molecular orbitals. Structure determination can be functional to a variety of targets from a simple molecules like diatomic oxygen or nitrogen to very complex molecules such as of protein or DNA.

Theories of chemical structure were first developed by August Kekule, Archibald Scott Couper, and Aleksandr Butlerov, among others, from about 1858. These theories were first to determine the  chemical compounds are not a casual cluster of atoms and functional groups, but relatively had a definite order defined by the valency of the atoms composing the molecule, giving the molecules a 3-D structure that could be determined or solved.

  • Track 7-1Chemical composition
  • Track 7-2Amine (NH2), Carboxyl (COOH) & Hydroxyl (OH)
  • Track 7-3Macromolecules
  • Track 7-4Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins & nucleic acids
  • Track 7-5Fatty acids, saturated & unsaturated fats
  • Track 7-6Reactive intermediates

Chemistry Conferences: Chemical synthesis is a resolute execution of chemical reactions to attain a product, or numerous products. This occurs by physical and chemical influences frequently involving one or more reactions. In recent laboratory practice, this tends to infer that the procedure is reproducible, reliable, and established to work in multiple laboratories.

chemical synthesis originates by mixture of compounds that are known as reagents or reactants. Different reaction types can be applied to these to synthesize the product, or an intermediate product. This requires mixing the compounds in a reaction vessel such as a chemical apparatus or a simple round-bottom flask. Several reactions require some form of work-up practice before the final product is isolated.

The quantity of product in a chemical synthesis is the reaction yield. Naturally, chemical yields are expressed as a weight in grams or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity of product that could be produced. A side reaction is an undesirable chemical reaction taking place that reduces the yield of the preferred product.

The Molecular design software is a software for molecular modeling, that provides special support for developing molecular models.

In contrast to the normal molecular modeling programs, such as molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry, such software directly supports the features related to constructing molecular models, including:

Molecular graphics

interactive molecular drawing and conformational editing

building polymeric molecules, crystals, and solvated systems

partial charges development

geometry optimization

  • Track 8-1Design and synthesis of small and smart molecule
  • Track 8-2Receptors & transporters
  • Track 8-3Allosteric interactions
  • Track 8-4Hydrophobic interactions

Medicinal Chemistry and pharmaceutical science are disciplines at the conjunction of science, mainly  synthetic organic science, and pharmacology and different other organic claims to fame, where they are included with plan, compound amalgamation and advancement for market of pharmaceutical specialists, or bio-dynamic atoms (drugs).

Substances utilized as prescriptions are frequently organic compounds, which are regularly isolated into the wide classes of  organic compounds (e.g., atorvastatin, fluticasone, clopidogrel) and "biologics" (infliximab, erythropoietin, insulin glargine), the last of which are regularly restorative arrangements of proteins (normal and recombinant antibodies, hormones, and so on.). Inorganic and organometallic compounds are additionally valuable as medications (e.g., lithium and platinum-based operators, for example, lithium carbonate and cis-platin and also gallium).

Specially, restorative science in its most basic work on—concentrating on organic compounds —envelops manufactured organic chemistry and parts of common items and computational science in close blend with biological chemistry, enzymology and auxiliary science, together going for the disclosure and improvement of new helpful operators. Basically, it includes concoction parts of ID, and after that orderly, exhaustive engineered adjustment of new substance elements to make them reasonable for helpful utilize. It incorporates manufactured and computational parts of the investigation of existing medications and operators being developed in connection to their bioactivities (natural exercises and properties), i.e., understanding their structure-action connections (SAR). Pharmaceutical science is centered around quality parts of prescriptions and expects to guarantee wellness for motivation behind restorative products.

  • Track 9-1Drug discovery, design and development
  • Track 9-2Pharmacophore and xenobiotic metabolism
  • Track 9-3Anticancer agents
  • Track 9-4Pharmacology and toxicology

Chemistry ConferencesPhysical chemistry is the study of the link between structure and reactivity of organic molecules. A lot of specifically, modern physical chemistry applies the experimental tools of chemistry to the study of the structure of organic molecules and provides a theoretical framework that interprets however structure influences each mechanisms and rates of organic reactions. It will be thought of as a subfield that bridges organic chemistry with physical chemistryPhysical organic chemists use each experimental and theoretical discipline like spectrum analysis, chemical analysis, natural philosophy and process chemistry and scientific theory to check each the rates of organic reactions and also the relative chemical stability of the beginning materials, transition states and product. Chemists during this field work to know the physical underpinnings of chemistry and thus physical chemistry applications in specialised areas as well as chemical compound chemistrysupramolecular chemistry, chemical science and chemical science.

  • Track 10-1Atomic theory
  • Track 10-2Biophysical chemistry
  • Track 10-3Thermochemistry and quantum chemistry
  • Track 10-4Chemical bonding, aromaticity, anti and homoaromaticity and structures
  • Track 10-5Acidity, nucleophilicity and electrophilicity

Chemistry Conferences: The pharmaceutical industry determines, advances, products, and advertise drugs or pharmaceutical drugs for use as medicines. Pharmaceutical firms may deal in generic or brand medications and medical expedients. They are subject to a variety of laws and regulations that direct the patenting, analysing, safety, efficiency and publicizing of drugs. Pharmaceutics is the discipline of pharmacy that contracts with the process of turning a new chemical unit or old drugs into a medication to be used carefully and efficiently by patients. It is similarly termed as science of dosage form design. There are numerous chemicals with pharmacological properties, but need different procedures help them to achieve therapeutically appropriate amounts at their sites of action. Pharmaceutics helps relate the formulation of drugs to their delivery and disposition in the body. Pharmaceutics deals with the formulation of a unadulterated drug substance into a dosage form. Divisions of pharmaceutics include:

Pharmaceutical formulation

Pharmaceutical manufacturing

Dispensing pharmacy

Pharmaceutical technology

Physical pharmacy

Pharmaceutical jurisprudence

Unadulterated drug substances are generally white crystalline or amorphous powders. Historically before the advent of medicine as a science it was common for pharmacists to dispense drugs as is, most drugs today are managed as parts of a dosage form. The clinical act of drugs depends on their form of presentation to the patient.

  • Track 11-1Pharmaceutical chemistry novel aspects
  • Track 11-2Nanomedicine and nanotechnology
  • Track 11-3Nanomedicine and nanotechnology
  • Track 11-4Pharmaceutical analysis
  • Track 11-5Biopharmaceutical and biologic drugs
  • Track 11-6Drug designing methodologies

Photochemistry is the branch of science deals about the substance effects of light.  this term is utilized to depict a mixture reaction  produced by absorption of light (wavelength from 100 to 400 nm), observable light (400 – 750 nm) or infrared radiation (750 – 2500 nm).In nature, photochemistry is of enormous significance as it is the premise of photosynthesis, vision, and the development of vitamin D with sunlight .Photochemical reactions continue uniquely in contrast to temperature-determined reactions. Photochemical techniques get to high energy intermediates that can't be created thermally, vigour interference  in a brief time frame, and permitting reactions generally difficult to reach by warm procedures.  Photochemistry is likewise destruction, as shown by the photodegradation of plastics.

  • Track 12-1Organic and organometallic photochemistry
  • Track 12-2Mechanistic organic photochemistry
  • Track 12-3Synthetic organic photochemistry

Chemistry ConferencesElectroorganic synthesis mostly used in organic reactions is possibly the famous Kolbe electrolysis, there is no other significant synthesis have been found till the reductive dimerization of acrylonitrile to adipo­ nitrile was developed by Dr. M. M. Baizer of Monsanto Co. The electroorganic chemistry has been studied widely with the prospects that it is a new useful tool for finding new Synthesis in organic reactions.

 Electrochemical reactions of organic compounds to show that the electro organic chemistry is useful in organic synthesis, electroorganic chemistry covers a great variety of reactions, with their applications in organic synthesis.  and also some entrenched processes such as the Kolbe electrolysis, pinacolic coupling, and hydrodimerization.

  • Track 13-1Bioelectrochemical systems
  • Track 13-2Molecular electrochemistry
  • Track 13-3Synthetic electrochemistry
  • Track 13-4Biosensors
  • Track 13-5Protein electrochemistry

Chemistry Conferences: An understanding of attraction dipoles and also the numerous types of non-covalent unit forces permits America to elucidate on a molecular level and many evident physical properties of organic compounds. Throughout this section, we square measure progressing to specialize in solubilitymelting point and boiling purpose. Boiling happens once the chance of heat turning into internal energy and work to carry out vaporization becomes up to the chance of the reverse pathway. The boiling thermal property is higher the stronger the unit attractions as a results of the stronger the static force of attraction, the ton of energy is required to separate the particles and the larger the static P.E. increase associated with vaporization. Ion-Ion forces or attractions area unit the strongest. They involve the attraction between species bearing a minimum of a full charge and a species bearing a minimum of a full charge.

  • Track 14-1Principles of molecular spectroscopy electromagnetic radiation
  • Track 14-2Patterns of spin-spin splitting pairs of doublets
  • Track 14-3Infrared spectroscopy
  • Track 14-4Mass spectrometry
  • Track 14-5NMR spectroscopy
  • Track 14-6Chromatography

Chemistry ConferencesAgricultural chemistry is the study of each chemistry and organic chemistry that are vital in agricultural production, the process of raw products into foods and beverages and in environmental monitoring and rectification. These studies emphasize the relationships between plants, animals and microorganism and their environment. The science of chemical compositions and changes concerned within the production, protection and use of crops and placental. As a basic science it embraces additionally to test-tube chemistry; all the life processes through that humans acquire food and fibre for themselves and feed for their animals. As an engineering or technology it's directed towards management of these processes to extend yields, improve quality and cut back prices

  • Track 15-1Biochemistry and agrochemicals
  • Track 15-2Elementary calculus
  • Track 15-3Weed biology and control
  • Track 15-4Biochemistry and metabolism
  • Track 15-5Environmental management