Molecular Design and Synthesis

Chemistry Conferences: Chemical synthesis is a resolute execution of chemical reactions to attain a product, or numerous products. This occurs by physical and chemical influences frequently involving one or more reactions. In recent laboratory practice, this tends to infer that the procedure is reproducible, reliable, and established to work in multiple laboratories.

chemical synthesis originates by mixture of compounds that are known as reagents or reactants. Different reaction types can be applied to these to synthesize the product, or an intermediate product. This requires mixing the compounds in a reaction vessel such as a chemical apparatus or a simple round-bottom flask. Several reactions require some form of work-up practice before the final product is isolated.

The quantity of product in a chemical synthesis is the reaction yield. Naturally, chemical yields are expressed as a weight in grams or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity of product that could be produced. A side reaction is an undesirable chemical reaction taking place that reduces the yield of the preferred product.

The Molecular design software is a software for molecular modeling, that provides special support for developing molecular models.

In contrast to the normal molecular modeling programs, such as molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry, such software directly supports the features related to constructing molecular models, including:

Molecular graphics

interactive molecular drawing and conformational editing

building polymeric molecules, crystals, and solvated systems

partial charges development

geometry optimization

  • Design and synthesis of small and smart molecule
  • Receptors & transporters
  • Allosteric interactions
  • Hydrophobic interactions

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Toronto, Canada
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